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Our Causes

Explore Ways You Can Make a Difference

Many needs arise for our widows and the ministry that are not covered by monthly sponsorships. Below are all of the specific causes you can give to! Click on the Donate Now button and enter your donation amount. We will receive a notification about the donation and once the goal is reached we will make plans to fulfill that need.

Ministry Needs

Ministry Truck

Miqueas, our program director, is in need of a truck to use for food deliveries, monthly visits, and mission teams. He is currently delivering food on his motorcycle which takes several back-and-forth trips.  Learn more about the need!

widow Needs

Replace Agripina's Walls

Agripina has a cute pink house but the wood walls are rotten which causes the walls to leak when it rains. Helping her get the walls replaced would give her peace of mind!

Ministry Needs

Mission House

We do not know the cost of the land and building but this is what we are anticipating. We are analyzing this over the next 6 months to get an exact cost. Our goal is to begin construction in 2025 and complete in 2026. This house will be a multi-use building for teams to stay during mission trips, events for the widows throughout the year, a resource center for the widows to learn skills such as reading, writing, sewing, cooking, and so much more. 

Causes that Have been Met

You have Made a Difference!

These are the causes that have already been met for our widows. Thank you so much for the difference you are making in the lives of these women!

widow Needs

A Place to Sleep for Nosilia

Nosilia has been sleeping on a mat on the concrete floor because she is no longer able to climb the ladder up to where her bed is. We already have a new twin mattress and now just need the bed frame and sheets.

widow Needs

Electricity for Gloria

 In the Fall of 2023, we replaced Gloria’s roof and repaired the walls. We bought her a new bed and mattress and have given her brand-new sets of sheets. Now, Gloria needs electricity!

Widow Needs

Second Room for Santa

Santa has a small house consisting of one room where she sleeps with her granddaughter, Lesley. Help us expand her home to two rooms!

Widow Needs

Pots and Pans for Nosilia

Nosilia got a new 5-burner propane cooktop in March and needs new pots and pans to cook with for her and her two grandsons.

widow Needs

Repair Elvira's Leaking Roof

Elvira is 90 years old! While she has a decent roof, it wasn’t installed correctly so when it rains water comes right in and she has to move her bed in the middle of the night to avoid the water. 

Widow Needs

Refrigerator for Jungara

Jungara needs a working refrigerator to keep the food that we bring her cold so it doesn’t spoil. 


General Question

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Donation Question

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

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